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I am a professional EN>SP freelance translator/proofreader/editor with more than twenty years of experience, specializing in Business, Sales, Advertising and Marketing from English into Spanish. During my career, I have translated documents from companies such as: Bing, IBM, Bluetooth, Time Inc., INQ Mobile, Nokia, Techmeme, HP, Verizon, Dell, Disney, Apple, Hipmunk, Cisco, RealNetworks, Spotify, Microsoft, THQ Wireless, to name a few.

On top of all that, I also have hands on experience in B
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Article Title: ABRACADABRA (To Languages Learning)
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ABRACADABRA (To Languages Learning)
By Angel Biojó

Oddly enough all children know that
And what is it that all children know?
That an M is an M is an M
Regardless the language

If you are not silly in your mother tongue
Don't make yourself silly in an alien one
And if by any chance you ever feel tempted just bear in mind
That even silly people are not necessarily mute or deaf

Bad spelling produces deafness
Deafness and bad spelling produce blindness
Blindness, bad spelling and deafness produce stammering
And it all starts with bad spelling

It is exactly as you always suspected
And what is it that you always suspected
That you don't have to be especially smart to learn
Someone else's tongue, for even idiots learn their own

ABRACADABRA (Para aprender idiomas)
Por Ángel Biojó

Extrañamente todos los niños saben eso
¿Y qué es eso que todos los niños saben?
Que una M es una M es una M
Sin importar el idioma

Si no eres tonto en tu idioma nativo
No te hagas el tonto en uno extraño
Y si alguna vez te sientes tentado tan solo acuérdate
Que aún los tontos no son necesariamente mudos o sordos

La mala ortografía produce sordera
La sordera y la mala ortografía producen ceguera
La ceguera, la sordera y la mala ortografía producen tartamudez
Y todo comienza con la mala ortografía

Es exactamente como tú siempre sospechabas
¿Y qué es eso que tú siempre sospechabas?
Que no tienes que ser especialmente inteligente para aprender
El idioma de otro, porque aún los idiotas aprenden el propio
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