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Article Title: The Rose | Date Created: 12/27/2015 | Date Updated: 12/27/2015 | Language: English | Category: Translation | TranslatorPub.Com Rank: 0 | Views: 2729 | Comments: 0 | Ratings: 0, Average Rating: 0 (10 Max)
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How to let you meet me At my beautiful moment? For this, I've prayed for two hundred years To be bestowed a relationship with you.
So my avatar becomes a rose Growing by the road That you are bound to take. Blooming cautiously And flourishing under the sunlight, Each petal carries my eager expectation.
When you approach, Please listen breathlessly, The trembling leaves are My precious passion waiting for you. However, You pass by and ignore finally.
Oh, my darling, What flutter down to the ground Behind you, Instead of the withered petals, It's my broken heart.
Rose |
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