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Article Title: 7 moves to rid of full stops while sparing line breaks in PDF-to-Word conversion | Date Created: 02/12/2009 | Date Updated: 02/12/2009 | Language: English | Category: Editing | TranslatorPub.Com Rank: 76 | Views: 3822 | Comments: 0 | Ratings: 0, Average Rating: 0 (10 Max)
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Working for editing houses (but often on agency PDFs too), I need to convert PDF to MS Word files without losing too much time, which is mandatory when you have to convert hundreds or thousands of pages ...
Most automatic tools don't make a perfect work and you need always do a time-consuming and eyes-killing manual job
If you use manual "select-copy-paste" option this procedure yields a lot of "full stops" very boring to remove
Even some OCR softwares, and I have the most Pro one, do perfect conversions jobs but yielding a lot of "text boxes", very "indigestible" for Trados, or they don't yield any text boxes but produce the same flood of "full stops" as manual conversion does
Some time ago I casually found a tip to remove "full stop" and it worked, but losing all "line breaks", so I decided to improve the procedure
Clearly, this process lends itself to make a macro, but macros are a minefield in MS Word ;-)))
Just after the conversion, note a flood of "full stop" tags ΒΆ (ALT + 0182)
first step replace ^p^p with ^pLINEA VUOTA^p
second step replace ^p with 1 space
third step replace LINEA VUOTA with ^p^p |
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