5 Tips to Improve Your Translation Skills
With rapid globalization, the translation industry has been growing exponentially. With global customers increasingly choosing companies that understand their language, translation management has become more important than ever before. Every day, millions of companies are considering localizing their websites, mobile apps, marketing collaterals and other business documents to tap into new geographical territories.
Considering the trend, it has become crucial for professional translators to refine their translation skills to not only deliver consistent, more accurate and high quality translation services, but also to stand out in the highly competitive translation industry. Here are some effective tips for translation professionals as to how they can improve their translation skills and break through the clutter.
Understand the Audience
Before starting a project, understand your typical audience so that you can use the most appropriate tone of voice for greater impact. If you have a diverse audience, make sure to get a clear description of each type. Remember that the more you know about your audience, the better you are able to engage the recipients of your translated content.
Research Your Target Market
Every country has its unique linguistic conventions. As you research your client’s target market, you can better understand the elements of the local style, local preferences, acceptable and non-acceptable communication approaches, etc.
Get Familiar with the Common Translation Techniques
If you are new to the translation industry, you should start learning some common translation techniques to give a natural flow to your translated materials. Some common translation techniques include:
- Calque
- Borrowing
- Word for word translation
- Adaptation
- Modulation
- Paraphrasing
- Concretization or differentiation
- Logical derivation
Practice to Achieve Perfection
Practice can give you exposure to new concepts and ideas which can improve the quality of your translation. You can practice by offering free translation services to your friends, volunteering for organizations, translating TED videos, or asking your teachers to give you some translation projects.
Specialize In Specific Field(s)
As a professional translator, it is important for you to have something specific to show to get recognition as an expert translator. However, it is best to be an expert in more than one field and keep them as your main work areas for a little diversity in your work.
If you are a professional translator and looking for translation projects, visit TranslatorPub and get exciting jobs from all over the world!