| Overview When you awake in the morning, is your first thought about survival, or is this the farthest thought in your mind? Do you happily greet the new day? Well if you are one of the lucky ones that looks forward to each bright new day with happy anticipation, full of eagerness and joy then good for you.
Sadly you would number in the smaller percentage around the world. All over the world there are poor communities fighting to survive another day in their own personal hellish circumstances with no hope of a bright future and no hope of even dreaming of the life you wake up to daily.
Children usually fall into the category of having to live through a hopeless future and although there is some effort made by governments of the day, there is usually not enough to go around where every single child is reached and rescued. Sadly, this is a statistical fact! |
| Changing these sad circumstances At one time or another everyone would have had a glimpse into this sad world, either through media coverage that exposes such sad topics to the world or through participating in some way to extend help to these unfortunate children.
It is possible to make a difference, instead of simply turning away with a feeling of helplessness and disdain. There are opportunities out there that seek active participation from the “privileged“ section of society. These opportunities are often the only way to reach out to the rest of the world to make help make others aware of the plight of poor children.
Making a difference in the lives of these children is what drives them on. Even if only a small percentage of children are reached at any one time, this “reach” can make a difference and turn someone’s world of nightmares and sadness into something worth living for.
Many children have been blessed by the efforts made by these organizations and in turn often give their lives to helping the next generation enjoy a better future. So one child helped, has the snowballing effect that helps others in the future.
So why don’t you help us change this? wants to raise as much funds as possible within one year, but we can only do this with your help. We at TranslatorPub will give a percentage of each member transaction to this fundraiser, so that we can support as many needy ones as possible.
| Being a “partner“ and lending a helping hand One of the more prominent organizations that tries to reach out to the poor and underprivileged children is Uplift A Child International. Their effects has enjoyed far reaching positive effect as scores of children have been able to live better lives because of this organization.
With millions of children in the world alone, needing this kind of positive attention and help, it is no easy feat for Uplift A Child International to continue to make phenomenal break through.
Without organizations like this one, millions more children will continue to live under unchanging circumstances where there is no glimmer of hope on the horizon. Children are our future and doing all you can to help is actually investing in yours and your family’s future. The world is small enough, that anything happening on the opposite side of the globe is eventually going to have some impact on anything and everything everywhere else.
Getting involved in some way or another, to help organizations like this one would be welcomed by all. It is time to take steps to make an active commitment to support Uplift A Child International so that its good works can continue indefinitely.
| Learning a little about this project
 | Besides the primary objective to search out deserving children and put them on a better path in life, the organization also actively participates in giving each child the support needed to ensure they stay in school. The 12 years of schooling sponsored by the organization helps to see these kids educated right up to high school levels.
Providing these underprivileged children with the skill they will need in order to be self-sufficient and employed is one of the primary goals of the organization. Upon completing this basic phase in education, these children are now sufficiently equipped to step into the next phase of their young life.
Successful social interaction is now possible as these children are now mature enough to integrate themselves into any working environment where planning and working with others is the norm. Throughout the 12 years of sponsorship, these children are helped and guided to make right decisions so that their path in life will be better and more fruitful.
Ultimately, the idea behind the organization’s efforts is to keep these children from falling by the way and turning to a life of crime, which would then more often than not, eventually lead to early mortality. By providing them training and education, it is hoped that these children won’t be resigned to a life of poverty and despair forever.
Over the years, there have been so many success stories that it makes all the efforts and hardships worthwhile in the end. Many of the students that the organization had helped have returned to help is one way or another. This in turn has brought about numerous happy circumstances where new lives are touched and new miracles are experienced, every day.
| Project workings and aspirations There are several ongoing project launches that are designed to primarily focus on fundraising and sponsorships. actively organizes projects that reach out to members and other interested parties to help make the life of poor and underprivileged children better, and give them a future worth living for.
With a current number of members being about 40 000, there is still a lot of room for growth, and has designed a fundraising page that allows everyone the privileged to become an active participant of this phenomenally wonderful effort of touching lives.
Making a donation is possible and certainly welcomed and encouraged at the fundraising page on and any amount big or small is warmly received.
There are also other types of sponsorship programs available if interested parties would like to become more personally involved in the progress of a child. For a fee of less than $3000, you could help a child live a better future. If this is your desire, you would be advised to contact the organization directly. You would then be considered a partner on the website of TranslatorPub under the fundraising category.
Other types of information will also be forwarded to you about the details of “your child’s” progress through RSS feeds. The information is likely to include a lot of details about the child’s progress over the year. At 4 different postings, you will receive information such as an updated picture of your sponsored child in full school uniform splendor. A quarterly, half-yearly and final exam progress report of “your child” will also be carefully documented and sent to you accordingly.
| Some details on the Uplift a Child International program Our goal is to help create children who are eventually adequately equipped to go out into the world as contributing and good citizens. Within our program, these children are given the opportunity to attend schools that follow an English medium education plan. This benefit given helps the children have a wider scope of opportunities they can tap into when they eventually move on into the working world.
As our programs are run completely by volunteers, the children get to enjoy a bigger portion of the donations made to them. We are always on the lookout for volunteers and welcome help in any form.
If you desire to help as a volunteer, then call on us anytime to find out just how you can help benefit and make a difference in a child’s life. Be that welcoming light, which turns a child’s life from a dreary and drab existence to something better and wonderful.
With a donation of anything from as little as $125 - $195 a year, you can support a child in all his/her schooling needs. The fees usually cover the following:
- A full year’s tuition
- School uniforms – complete with socks, shoes, tie and belt
- Text books and other writing materials
We are lucky to have volunteers from all over the world. Some of the countries our volunteers come from include USA, UK, UAE, Sweden, Germany, Malaysia, India, France, Switzerland, Ukraine and Saudi Arabia.
- There are usually quarterly parent-teacher meetings to monitor each child’s progress
- We also encourage the reward system by organizing events that recognize the academic achievements of any and all students
- There are quarterly updates presented to sponsors with all pertinent information included
- There is also an allowance made for sponsors to meet up with their “sponsored child“ whenever needed or requested
| A plea from the heart With your help this number can grow and more children can be reached. More children can live the better life they were born to live. You can help make a real difference, so join us to help a child in need.
To our partners Our heartfelt gratitude and respect is extended to each and every one of you for all the help extended in one way or another. Making a difference in the world by endorsing social events where fundraising is the theme is nothing short of a warm heart and a willingness to be a shining light in another’s life.
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| “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world“
Nelson Mandela Each year, around 10 million children die from malnutrition. 150 million children under the age of 5 years do not have enough to eat each day. 120 million children never see a school and do not receive schooling. About 250 million children are working - including a large number in deplorable and dangerous conditions. 30 million of our children are being exploited and kept as child slaves or even as prostitutes. Each year, 300.000 children are forcibly recruited and used as child soldiers.
| According to information provided by UNICEF, almost half of the children in the world live in poverty, which are more than a billion children. Nearly every second child is missing basic things to survive and to its development. Things, which are naturally to children in this country, are often not available to children in poor countries: drinking water, adequate food, medical care, education or a roof over their head. Approximately 90 million children under five years of age are malnourished. 270 million children do not even have the most basic health care. Around 400 million children live without clean water and 500 million children have no access to sanitary facilities; 640 million children have no proper roof over their heads, more than 120 million children do not go to school and 300 million children have no access to radio, television or newspaper. In addition, the spread of AIDS exacerbates the situation of children. In southern Africa alone, the number of AIDS orphans increased between 1990 and 2003 from one million to over 12 million.
Children in affluent countries do not suffer the same hardships as their peers in developing countries. Nevertheless, even here, more and more children live in relative poverty. wants to counteract this development. Together with Lift Up a Child, collects donations to send to these children affected by poverty, so that these children can attend school or seek education.
This has to stop. Help us to place these kids in a school and offer them a future! Even a small support will help us to change the future of so many. We support this cause - and you should too! |
 | Objective of Uplift a Child International and Our objective is to identify poor and needy children, place them in a school, and support them through 12 years of schooling through the high school. This will keep the children off the streets, provide them with the basic skills to develop, and give them an opportunity to emerge as self-reliant and productive members of the society. By the time the children completes high school, they will have the necessary social skills and will be mature enough to plan and work towards a brighter future. Until then, we work with each child in helping the child grow in the right direction. |
| The Project
You can make a donation of any desired amount on this page. An optional sponsorship for a child is also available. The associated incurred cost is a flat rate of $2.750. For this purpose, contact directly by email. If a full sponsorship is assumed, you are officially added as a partner on the website of TranslatorPub (Category: Fundraiser), if desired. |
| Up Lift a Child Support & Expenses We are a public charity supported by 500+ families and small organizations from 12 countries. 90% of all our operations are run by volunteers with a 2% to 3% administrative expense. That means 97% to 98% goes directly to the benefit of the child’s education.State and Federal Registration information We are a 501(c) (3) Tax Exempt Organization, approved by IRS (EIN # 20-1814364) in USA. We are certified by Maryland State as a Charitable Organization (Reg. # 17255) in USA. We are registered in India under Societies Act in INDIA. We are FCRA Approved by ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India. We are registered in Nepal and approved by the Nepal Govt. |  |
| Up Lift a Child Program Our educational programs are changing the lives of hundreds of children and helping them to become good citizens. Most of them are attending good English medium schools all over the country. We measure everything we do. All our programs are run entirely by volunteers. Because of that, all our contributions and hard work go directly to the child’s benefit. Anyone can join us at any time.It costs only US $125 to $195 per year to support a child in our program which pays for the following below:
- Full year tuition fee
- School uniforms
- Shoes and socks
- School tie and belt
- Text books and notebooks
Our team consists of volunteers & sponsors from all over USA, UK, UAE,
Sweden, Saudi Arabia, France, Switzerland, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Ukraine and India
- We conduct parents meeting at least 4 times a year to measure the progress of the child
- We conduct annual reward ceremonies to reward the outstanding children who performed well in education to encourage them and to inspire those who could do better.
- We update our sponsors (4 times a year) with full bio-data of the child and also update them with the progress reports quarterly, half yearly and final exam reports.
- Our program allows sponsors to meet their child at any time of the year.
 | About is an online marketplace for language professionals and language service providers. At thousands of jobs and projects are published each day aiming to connect language professionals with clients from around the world.
About the Founder – Sam Vonumu Uplift A Child International is a non-profit organization, founded in 2000 by Sam Vonumu (Currently a full time employee, working for Discovery TV Channel at the world headquarters in Washington DC area). Outside his regular job, he spends around 2,500 hours a year on community service. He was once a slum dweller from India and a living example of some one’s help. What he started as a little family help has now converted into an organization supporting 2,000 underprivileged children all over India and Nepal. |
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