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English > ArmenianMedical Site Rank: 40
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Glossary of Medical Terms
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English > ArmenianTechnology Site Rank: 41
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Glossary of Information and Communication Technology Terms
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English > ArmenianEngineering Site Rank: 42
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Glossary of Construction Terms
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English > SpanishTechnology Site Rank: 43
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A - H Glossary of Automotive Terminology from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence, 2006 Ready to be used by CAT (tab delimited) GLOSSARY OF AUTOMOTIVE TERMINOLOGY English/Spanish 2006 GLOSARIO DE TERMINOLOGGÃA AUTOMOTRIZ DE ASE IngllÃs/EspaaÃol "In addition to names of automotive parts and systems (nouns), the glossary also includes many verbs and modifiers within the context of typical use in ASE test questions. As with English words, their meaning may not be limited to whattâ€s presented in the glossary. Terms that were considered fundamental and universal (e.g. numbers, colors, common verbs, articles, etc.) were not normally included in the glossary." "This ASE Glossary of Automotive Terminology is hereby released into the public domain and can be used free of charge. ASE requests that where substantial portions of these works are incorporated into the userrâ€s materials, the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) be given source credit."
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Greek > EnglishTechnology Site Rank: 44
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Railway technology glossary
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English > SpanishLaw Site Rank: 45
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AVG Rating: 7 (10 Max)
(Last: 7, on 02/16/2015)
Ability-to-pay: capacidad contributiva Adjudicator: juez Administrative Court: corte administrativa Allowance: exenciiiÃn tributaria Annuity: anualidad Appeal tribunals: tribunales de apelacion Appeals: (recurso de) apelacion Approach: enfoque Assessed taxes: impuestos de valuacion Average rate of tax: porcentaje de tarifa impositiva Barnacles: percebe Barrister: abogado (habilitado para alegar ante un tribunal superior) Bench: judicatura Bill of rights: carta de derechos Black economy: econommia en negro Bodies corporate: union de empresas Brain-power: capacidad intelectual Breach: violar, incumplir Budget: presupuesto Bunk: tonteria Business rate: impuesto sobre locales comerciales Cap: limitar Capital Allowances Act: ley de exencion de capitales Capital gains tax: impuesto sobre la plusvalia Capital Transfer Tax: impuesto a las transferencias Case law: jurisprudencia Cash-flow: flujo de efectivo Channel Isles: islas del canal de la Mancha Chartered accountant: contador publico Chartered Institute of Taxation: instituto colegiado de impuestos Clerk: secretario Climate Change Levy: tributos medioambientales Codification Committee: comite de codificacion Coding notice: notificacion del codigo fiscal que recibe anualmente el contribuyente Commendable: encomiable Community Customs Code: codigo de la comunidad aduanera Company and agency law: ley de sociedades comerciales Complainant: actor Compliance costs: costos de cumplimiento Comprehensive Taxes: impuestos globales Compulsory levy: gravamen obligatorio Consolidation: reforma; publicacion Consolidation Act: ley de consolidacion Consolidation measure: medidas de consolidacion Consumers Association: asociacion de defensa al consumidor Contraband: alijo Contract law: derecho contractual Corporation tax: impuesto a la renta de las personas juridicas Council tax: contribuciones urbanas Court of appeal: Corte de apelaciones
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English > SpanishLaw Site Rank: 46
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Court service: servicio de cortes de su majestad Courts: la Corte Cross-appeal: apelaciiÃn interpuesta por ambas partes Customs and Excise: Servicios de aduana Customs and Excise Managemente Act: ley de administraciiÃn de servicios de aduana Customs duty: derechos de aduana Delegated legislation: ley delegada Deputy Special Commissioners: comisionado especial suplente Disincentive: falta de incentivo Dismiss: desestimar Distribution: reparto Double taxation: doble tributaciiÃn Draftsman: persona que redacta el proyecto de ley E.C. Treaty: tratado de la Comunidad Europea Effective incidence: incidencia efectiva Emoluments: emolumentos Enactment: promulgaciiÃn Enforce: imponer Enforcement: obligaciiÃn, cumplimiento Estate: caudal sucesorio Estate duty: impuesto sucesorio European Convention of Human Rights: convenciiÃn europea de los derechos humanos European Economic Area: Ãrea econnÃmica europea European Union Treaty: Tratado de la UniiÃn Europea Evasion: evasiiÃn Exact: exigir Excise duties: impuestos internos Executive: el poder ejecutivo Expenditure tax: impuesto al consumo Exposure Draft: publicaciiÃn del anteproyecto Extant: existente Face value: valor nominal Finance Act: ley financiera Finance Bill: ley de presupuestos Financial agreement: convenios financieros Flat rate: tasa de interrÃs fija Formal incidence: incidencia formal Fossil fuel levy: gravamen al combustible ffÃsil General Commissioner: Comisionados generales Hallow: consagrado Happy medium: ttÃrmino medio Heavens tax: paraaÃsos fiscales Horizontal equity: equidad horizontal House of Commons: CCÃmara de los Comunes House of Lords: ccÃmara de los Lores In force: en vigencia Incidence: incidencia Income and Corporation Tax Act: ley del impuesto a las ganancias y las rentas de las personas jurrÃdicas Income tax: impuesto a las ganancias Inheritance tax: impuesto a las sucesiones Inheritance Tax Act: ley de impuesto a las sucesiones Inland Revenu
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Serbian > EnglishOther Site Rank: 47
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A Montenegrin glossary of NATO/military terms.
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English > SpanishTechnology Site Rank: 48
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Translation of a sample of glossary terms furnished by Katerina Hatton.
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English > PolishMedical Site Rank: 49
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English>Polish Medical Glossary
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English > DutchBusiness Site Rank: 50
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Transaction Suitability This section addresses whether intra-group services have been provided by one member of a multinational group to another. If such services have been rendered, the services must then meet the arm's-length standard. Nearly all multinational groups must arrange for a wide range of services to their member companies, including, but not limited to, administrative, technical, financial, and commercial services. Such services may include management, coordination, and control functions of the group. Intra-group arrangements for rendering services may also be linked to other intra-group transfers, including transfers of goods and intangible property. The first issue that must be addressed in analyzing whether intra-group services have been rendered is whether such services have in fact been rendered. The OECD Guidelines set forth several elements that a transaction must meet in order to be considered an intra-group service. First, the Guidelines ask whether an independent enterprise in comparable circumstances would have been willing to pay for the activity at issue if performed for it by an independent enterprise, or would have performed the activity in-house for itself. The Guidelines also state that certain activities do not constitute intra-group services. One such set of activities are activities performed that relate to a membership in a corporate group even though the group member does not itself need the activity. Such activities would be those that a group member performs solely because of its ownership interest in one or more group members (i.e. in its capacity as a shareholder). The regulations list the following activities as examples of activities falling into this "shareholder activity" category: †Costs of activities relating to the juridical structure of the parent company itself, such as meetings of the shareholders of the parent company, issuance of shares of the parent company, and costs of the supervisory board; †Cos
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English > DutchBusiness Site Rank: 51
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_________________________________________________________ Transactie Geschiktheid Deze sectie behandelt of intra-group diensten door éÃn lid van een multinationale groep aan een andere zijn verleend. Als dergelijke diensten verleend zijn, moeten die diensten dan ook voldoen aan de gelijkwaardige norm. Bijna alle multinationale groepen moeten een breed dienstengamma voor hun dochtermaatschappijen organiseren, inbegrepen - maar niet beperkt tot -, administratieve, technische, financiiÃle en commerciiÃle diensten. Dergelijke diensten kunnen beheer, cooÃrdinatie en controlefuncties van de groep omvatten. Intra-group regelingen voor het bewijzen van diensten kunnen ook gekoppeld worden aan andere intra-group overdrachten, met inbegrip van overdracht van goederen en onroerend goed. De eerste kwestie die moet worden behandeld in het analyseren van het bewijzen van intra-group diensten, is of dergelijke diensten al dan niet in feite zijn verleend. De richtlijnen door OESO uitgevaardigd, stipuleren verschillende elementen waaraan een transactie moet voldoen om te mogen beschouwd worden als een intra-group dienst. De richtlijnen vragen eerst of een onafhankelijke onderneming in vergelijkbare omstandigheden gewillig zou zijn om de activiteit in kwestie te betalen indien uitgevoerd door een onafhankelijke onderneming, of de activiteit intern zelf uit te voeren. De richtlijnen verklaren ook dat bepaalde activiteiten geen intra-group diensten vormen. EEÃn dergelijke reeks activiteiten, zijn activiteiten uitgevoerd die betrekking hebben op een lidmaatschap in een collectieve groep, alhoewel het groepslid zelf de activiteit niet nodig heeft. Dergelijke activiteiten zouden die zijn wanneer een groepslid alleen handelt wegens zijn eigendomsbelangen in éÃn of meerdere groepsleden (d.w.z. in zijn hoedanigheid als aandeelhouder). De verordeningen maken een lijst van de volgende activiteiten als voorbeelden van activiteiten die in deze categorie â€van de aandeelhoudersa
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